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The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course in Bangla
200+ Programming Challenges এবং 10+ Real-Life Projects সমৃদ্ধ এই কোর্সে আপনি বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ জাভাস্ক্রিপ্ট এর সবকিছু একদম বেসিক লেভেল থেকে আডভান্স লেভেল পর্যন্ত স্টেপ-বাই-স্টেপ শিখতে পারবেন। সাথেই থাকছে NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, ReactJS সহ আরও অনেক কিছু।
Course Content
Total learning: 295 lessons
Getting Started with JavaScript
Variables and Data Types
JavaScript Operators
Conditional Statements
JavaScript Loops
String in JavaScript
- String Basics6.1
- String Methods: charAt, charCodeAt, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, includes, startsWith, endsWith6.2
- String Methods: Search, IndexOf, lastIndexOf6.3
- String Methods: toString, Concat, split6.4
- String Methods: slice, subStr, subString6.5
- Escape Sequences6.6
- String Immutability6.7
- Best Resources for Learning String6.8
- Problem Solving (String)6.9
Objects - The Core of Javascript & JSON
- Object Basics with Dot & Bracket Notation7.1
- Adding, Modifying & Deleting Properties (with Dynamic Property Access)7.2
- Object Methods & This Keyword7.3
- Traversing Object Entries7.4
- Exercise – Total Salary7.5
- Object Destructuring7.6
- Exercise – Doctor Object (Learn Object All in One)7.7
- Cloning an object7.8
- Math Object7.9
- JSON Data Format7.10
JavaScript Functions
JavaScript Arrays
- Array Basics9.1
- Adding Elements9.2
- Removing Elements9.3
- Finding Elements (Primitive Type)9.4
- Finding Elements (Reference Type)9.5
- Iterating an array9.6
- Sorting and Reversing an array9.7
- Testing the elements of the array9.8
- Combining and Slicing the array9.9
- Spread Operators9.10
- Joining Array9.11
- Mapping an array9.12
- Filtering an array9.13
- Reducing an array9.14
- When to Use Map, Filter & Reduce9.15
- Exercise – Odd Sum9.16
- Exercise – Even Max9.17
- Exercise – Books9.18
Other ES6, ES7 and ES8 Features
JavaScript Coding Interview Questions [Solved with CODE]
- What is Data Structure and Algorithms11.1
- Why Data structure and Algorithms are important in coding interviews11.2
- Find a duplicate number in an array of integers11.3
- Remove all duplicates from an array of integers [2 ways]11.4
- Find all pairs in an array of integers whose sum is equal to a given number11.5
- Reverse a string [2 ways]11.6
- Reverse each word of a string [2 ways]11.7
- Recursion – Print recursively [1 to 10]11.8
- Recursion – Print recursively [10 to 1]11.9
- Recursion – Calculate Factorial11.10
Error Handlings in JavaScript
Regular Expression
Object Oriented JavaScript
Asynchronous JavaScript, Ajax & Fetch API
DOM (Document Object Model)
Web Storage API
Project 1 - Monster Finder (DOM + Module)
Project 2 - E-Wallet App (DOM + LocalStorage)
Project 3 - ProFinder (DOM + Async)
Project 4 - Form Validator
- Project overview21.1
- Build a basic template for Form validator21.2
- Proper type, name, placeholder, and required keyword for each Input Field21.3
- Minlength, Maxlength, regex in pattern, and title as attribute. (Detect valid/invalid input field in CSS)21.4
- Constraint Validation API21.5
- Validate password and show final Object. Wrap up!!21.6
Project 5 - Task List (OOP Based Project CRUD Application)
- Project intro and UI Setup22.1
- Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form22.2
- Delete Task and Mark Task Completed using ES5 Prototypes22.3
- Local Storage Read and Store Task22.4
- Delete and Mark Completed in LocalStorage22.5
- Show List of tasks from LocalStorage22.6
- Initiate the Update and store Task ID in Hidden Field22.7
- Update Tasks22.8
- Converting from prototype to ES6 Classes22.9
Learn Node.js From Scratch
- Introduction to NodeJS23.1
- Getting Started With Nodemon23.2
- Understanding Modules23.3
- Exercise – MiniCalculator (with Command Line Arguments)23.4
- File System Module (With Callbacks)23.5
- File System Module (Refactoring With Promises)23.6
- Exercise – Read and Write File Simultaneously23.7
- HTTP Module23.8
- Exercise Rendering HTML as a Response23.9
- URL Module Explained23.10
- Importing NPM Modules23.11
- ASSIGNMENT (Node JS)23.12
- Solution Of Assignment (Node JS)23.13
Project 6 - The Bicycle Shop (Build a Web Server with Pure Node JS)
- Project Intro and UI Setup24.1
- Folder Structure and Create HTTP Server24.2
- Parsing URL and Query String24.3
- Declaring Routes and Rendering HTML24.4
- Rendering CSS, Images, SVG Files24.5
- Rendering Dynamic Data for Overview Page24.6
- Create Dynamic blocks in Homepage24.7
- Rendering Dynamic Data for Homepage & Wrap Up!24.8
Learn Express JS From Scratch
Project 7 - Learn EJS with a Complete Project
- Why should we use a Template Engine?26.1
- Specific Folder Structure for an Express + EJS Project26.2
- Server Setup with Declaring all the Routes with Express26.3
- Rendering our First EJS Template26.4
- Handle Static Files26.5
- Render dynamic data for Overview Page26.6
- Render dynamic data for Home Page26.7
Project 8 - Build your own RESTFUL API from Scratch
- Section Prerequisites27.1
- What is REST API?27.2
- Create a CRUD Rest API with Node and Express.js27.3
- Basic Server Setup with EXPRESS and POSTMAN27.4
- GET All Products, Create a new Environment and Collection in POSTMAN27.5
- GET a Specific Product with Query Parameters27.6
- POST a New Product27.7
- Validate the body of the request with Joi27.8
- Update a Product Information with PUT Method27.9
- Update a Product Information with PATCH Method27.10
- DELETE a Specific Product27.11
- DELETE all the products27.12
- API Documentation27.13
- Best Resources for REST API Design27.14
- [Bonus] Validation in Patch Method27.16
- [Bonus] Let’s Learn some Status Code27.17
Web Server Deployment
MongoDB - A NoSQL Database
- Introduction to MongoDB29.1
- Installing MongoDB and Compass29.2
- Connecting to MongoDB29.3
- Schema and Models29.4
- Create and Save a document29.5
- Find documents in multiple ways29.6
- Query API – Select, Sort, Limit, Count Documents29.7
- Complex Query – Comparison Operators29.8
- Complex Query – And, Or Operations29.9
- Exercise – Advanced Query29.10
- Update a document (Way 1)29.11
- Update a document (Way 2)29.12
- Delete documents in 3 ways29.13
- MongoDB Assignment (with complex MOVIE DATASET)29.14
Project 9 - All in One (REST API and Mongoose)
- Section and Project Overview30.1
- Mongoose Connection, Create User and Task Model with Proper Folder Structure30.2
- Data Validation and Sanitization in User Model30.3
- Data Validation and Sanitization in Task Model30.4
- REST API Design with Express30.5
- Store User and Task Information30.6
- Fetch all users and tasks information from Database30.7
- Fetch a single user and task from Database30.8
- Update User and Task Documents30.9
- Delete User and Task Documents30.10
- Organize Routes with Express Router30.11
- Separate Functionalities from Routes and Create Controllers30.12
- Assignment30.13
Password Security, Authentication and Authorization
React - A JavaScript Library
- (Overview) What is React.js and why is it so popular32.1
- Minimum JS needed to learn React.js (or any kinds of library or framework)32.2
- Technical Aspects of React.js32.3
- Development Environment Setup32.4
- Create React App32.5
- Understanding Folder Structure32.6
- Structure of a component32.7
- Rules of JSX32.8
- Difference between JSX and HTML32.9
- React Functional Components (+Reusablity)32.10
- Working with Props32.11
- Weekly Reading Materials32.12
- Weekly Assignment32.13
- Props Children Property32.14
- PropTypes32.15
- Styling Components32.16
- CSS in JSX32.17
- Blogstar – Component Overview32.18
- Blogstar – Header and PostList Component32.19
- Blogstar – PostList, Post and Props32.20
- Blogstar – Children props, Destructuring, PropTypes32.21
- Blogstar – Footer Component32.22
- (Recap) JavaScript Array Map() Method32.23
- Displaying Lists in React and JSX32.24
- Key property in the List32.25
- React Event handlers32.26
- (Issue) Why is the component not updating32.27
- What is State in React32.28
- State vs. Props32.29
- Issue solved using React State32.30
- Introduction to Counter Application32.31
- Creating User Interface32.32
- Adding the Functionalities32.33
- Passing callback function to useState() hook32.34
- React Hooks useState() with Object32.35
Conclusion + BONUS
Uses of console and comments in JavaScript
Modal title
Main Content